Interesting stuff I read/watched on the web this week.

On fitness and programming:

How Fitness Transformed Me into a Better Web Developer by Rachel Lum. The conclusion is pretty obvious to me as I’ve went through a similar journey as the author. What makes this article stand-out however are the references to white-papers and other sources used to support the main idea of the piece – regular exercise improves your productivity, physical and mental health.

Short, ca. 5 min read.

On benefits of using object data structures over associative arrays in PHP

PHP: Use associative arrays basically never by Crell?. Some strong opinions (starting from the title), some backed by evidence presented in the article. Authors shows some use-cases for using different types of data structures for list/dictionary type data and backs it up with some basic benchmark results. Overall good write-up even if you’ll just go for the conclusion (although I highly recommend going through the comments section as well).

Medium, ca. 8 min read.

Talk about burn-out

Post-burnout Thoughts by Joel Lord. Joel’s talk recorded at Dutch PHP Conference on 7th of June 2019 about burn-out and his experience with it. It’s a bit awkward and cringy, but it’s important to keep in mind that the speaker went through the stuff his talking about. He covers the symptoms, effects and gives useful tips on how to deal with it.

Some references from the video:

Medium, 32 min watch.